Kevcon, Inc. is relying on the price submitted in the Subcontractor’s proposal as an all-inclusive price for its trade scope found in the plans and specifications regardless of any qualifying language in the proposal, and that the Subcontractor represents that his/her bid is fully responsive to the Owner’s Instructions to Bidders, General and Special Conditions, Amendments, and any other requirements of the Owner unless that requirement is specific to a portion of work not being bid by the Subcontractor. The Subcontractors bid SHALL include all applicable taxes. The Subcontractor represents that its bid will remain open for acceptance by Kevcon, Inc. for the same period specified in the project specifications, the Owner’s payment terms to Kevcon, Inc. are applicable to the payments to Subcontractor, and subcontractor will provide Kevcon, Inc. with the same indemnification and insurance requirements Kevcon, Inc. is required to provide to the Owner. Execution of the Kevcon, Inc. standard subcontract agreement is required of all successful subcontract bidders. Subcontractor bid conditions or terms that are inconsistent with the Kevcon, Inc. standard subcontract agreement shall be void.
Kevcon, Inc’s standard subcontract is available for review on our website and at our Corporate office during regular business hours. By submitting a bid, the Subcontractor represents that it has reviewed the Kevcon, Inc. standard subcontract and consents to its use without modification and agrees to execute Kevcon, Inc’s standard subcontract if awarded by Kevcon, Inc. Any listing of Subcontractors pursuant to Public Contract Code is not an acceptance of any or all of that subcontractor’s conditions, qualifications, exclusions, or exceptions included in the subcontractor’s bid proposal. And any listing of Subcontractor is expressly contingent upon Subcontractor’s acceptance to Kevcon, Inc’s standard subcontract.
The Subcontractor, at its sole cost and expense, is required to furnish; Certificates of insurance, 100% Performance and Payment Bonds from an approved surety for Subcontractors whose bid exceeds $200,000, OSHA 10hr cards are required for ALL personnel on the jobsite, and at least one person shall have OSHA 30hr and 1st Aid cert.