Location: VAMC San Diego, CA
Owner: Department of Veterans Affairs
Completion: June 2009
Cost: $2,149,499.79
Kevcon’s work included installing four new exhaust fans, six new fan motors, 25 new VAV boxes, and upgrading from pneumatic to DDC control and TAB for the air and water. Project also involved structurally reinforcing the concrete roof deck prior to cutting penetrations and installing three new McQuay roof top air handlers and associated chilled and hot water piping. Demolition encompassed the existing mechanical duct, registers and grilles, and equipment for all four wings of the 6th Floor. Kevcon had to work in and around active research laboratories and staff offices. As all interstitial work was conducted in a confined space/confined entry asbestos environment adjacent to active laboratories daily clearance samples were required. It was critical to minimize any impact to the research laboratories, many of which were involved in prolonged experiments, and were noise and light sensitive. No laboratories were shut down during this one year project. Kevcon provided close and extensive coordination with laboratory personnel to schedule the work in order to avoid conflicts with ongoing experiments.